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Our Vision


To see a world where people are happy, successful and humane. Our objective is to help everyone achieve ZENITH in their life.  

Each one of us is in a constant pursuit to achieve success - irrespective of gender, age, geographic location, social strata, financial and professional status. This race has usurped our basic instinct of being HAPPY and Content. 

These very primal traits have been invaded by the fast changing life around us. Today's digital era has its share of casualties in degrading our lives into emotionless machines. We interact more with machines than family members and friends. 

At Zengage, our focus is the individual personality makeover to succeed in Life, Relationships and Career. All our programs are custom designed as per the PERSONALITY type. 


Zengage works on the personality type, designs engagement plan, conducts assessment and follows up with the makeover program. This process is called "Zengagescopy" - 360 degree personality assessment program based on the individual.



Zengage with us to ENRICH your life​


Old and Young


Its not tough to be happy. Just go for it

To be happy is most important.

Live in the moment!!

Acceptance and Appreciation are the two simple rules to any relationship

Young Businesswomen


Happiness is the key to success

It is all in the thoughts you nurture.

Think positive!! Think right!!

Success is guaranteed to those who perceive and work towards it

Giving a Speech


There is a Leader in all of you

This is a natural gift in each one of you

Know your personality type and cultivate the right qualities to enhance the LEADER in you

Call us:

+91- 88493 53003

Whatsapp Consulting:

+91- 88493 53003




Anisa Padaria

A dedicated altruist to the core, Anisa is a trained psychotherapist and counselor with over a decade of experience. She has been instrumental in shaping personalities of over 2000 individuals including students, young adults, professionals, businessmen, home-makers and the elderly.

Anisa has conducted several workshops on Image building and enhancement for young girls, professional women and corporate heads. Her exemplary skills in reading personality traits via their
handwriting has been revelation.


Her passion is to create a positive impact on human relationships. She revels in mentoring and coaching children to be compassionate, confident and competent individuals.

She has a teaching experience of 23 years with the last 18 years at the prestigious Bombay Scottish School.

Anisa has a post-graduation in ECCE and is a trained educator for children with learning disabilities.

Currently, her role as a Zengagist @ Zengage Life 2.0ä is bringing about individual enrichment via exciting Zengagement programs aimed at building a HAPPY society.


Anisa is the Founder and the Soul of Zengage Life 2.0

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Bilal A

A technology professional with over 30 years in building high-tech solutions, International Marketing and Strategic Consultancy.

A visionary who presented his first paper on Artificial Intelligence in 1987 at IIT Bombay and currently pioneering several AI based projects in Security Space for governments in Australia, UK, Singapore and the  Middle-East.

Involved in several initiatives in Knowledge Management, Change Management and Technology Management projects.

He has conducted several corporate workshops, one-to-one counselling and training programs in Career management, Relationship building, Life coaching, Marketing Self, Train-the-Brain, 3D-Mirror, etc. 

Bilal has a keen interest in building a HAPPY society. He has worked on several personality development programs at Zengage such as ZengageScopy, 3D-Mirror, CognifitQ, etc. He also invests a lot of time at building technology platform for Zengage while heading a technology development team in UAE and India.

He is a Zengagist and co-founder @ Zengage Life 2.0

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